2020년 7월 4일 토요일

Blogger (블로그),

Blogger, (블로그),

팔로우하는 블로그 관리하기
Blogger 대시보드의 '읽기 목록'에 좋아하는 블로그를 추가하여 최신 글을 읽을 수 있습니다.

블로그 팔로우
팔로어 가젯을 사용하면 사용자의 이름, 프로필 사진을 비롯한 Google 프로필이 블로그의 팔로어로 공개되어 표시됩니다. Google 프로필은 언제든지 변경할 수 있습니다. 익명으로 블로그를 팔로우하려면 Blogger 대시보드 또는 '설정' 메뉴에서 블로그를 팔로우하세요.

블로그의 팔로어 가젯에서

블로그 팔로우 중지

독자가 내 블로그를 팔로우하도록 허용
다른 사람이 내 블로그를 팔로우하도록 허용하려면 다음 단계에 따라 팔로어 가젯을 추가하세요.
  1. Blogger에 로그인합니다.
  2. 왼쪽 상단에서 '아래쪽 화살표' 클릭
  3. 업데이트할 블로그를 선택합니다.
  4. 왼쪽 메뉴에서 레이아웃을 클릭합니다.
  5. 관심 사용자 가젯을 추가할 위치를 선택합니다.
  6. 가젯 추가를 클릭합니다.
  7. 창이 열리면 가젯 더보기를 클릭합니다.
  8. '팔로어'를 찾아 '추가' 를 클릭합니다.
  9. 설정을 선택합니다.
  10. '저장'을 클릭합니다.
  11. 배치를 저장하려면 오른쪽 하단에서 '저장' 을 클릭합니다.
자주 묻는 질문(FAQ)
공개로 블로그를 팔로우하면 어떤 프로필이 사용되나요?
내 블로그의 팔로어는 어떻게 차단할 수 있나요?
도움이 되었나요?
A Googler, Blogger Buzz - 1 month ago
Since 1999, millions of people have expressed themselves on Blogger. From detailed posts about almost every apple variety you could ever imagine to a blog dedicated to the art of blogging itself, the ability to easily share, publish and express oneself on the web is at the core of Blogger’s mission. As the web constantly evolves, we want to ensure anyone using Blogger has an easy and intuitive experience publishing their content to the web. That’s why we’ve been slowly introducing an improved web experience for Blogger. Give the fresh interface a spin by clicking “Try the New Blog...

Google 직원, Blogger Buzz -1 개월 전
1999 년부터 수백만의 사람들이 Blogger에 자신을 표현했습니다. 상상할 수있는 거의 모든 사과 종류에 대한 자세한 게시물에서 블로그 자체의 기술에 전념하는 블로그에 이르기까지 웹에서 자신을 쉽게 공유, 게시 및 표현할 수있는 능력은 Blogger의 사명의 핵심입니다. 웹이 지속적으로 발전함에 따라 Blogger 사용자는 누구나 자신의 콘텐츠를 웹에 게시하는 쉽고 직관적 인 경험을 갖기를 원합니다. 이것이 Blogger에 향상된 웹 환경을 서서히 도입 한 이유입니다. "새 블로그 사용해보기 ..."를 클릭하여 새로운 인터페이스를 제공하십시오.]

A Googler, Blogger Buzz - 1 year ago
Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019. *Google+ widgets:* Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from all blogs. *+1 buttons:* The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed. Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update ...

Google 직원, Blogger Buzz -1 년 전
2019 년 3 월에 예정된 Google+ API 지원 중단 발표에 따라 2019 년 2 월 4 일에 Blogger의 Google+ 통합에 많은 변경 사항이 적용됩니다. * Google + 위젯 : * "+1 버튼", "Google+ 팔로어"및 "Google+ 배지 지원 "레이아웃의 위젯을 더 이상 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 위젯의 ​​모든 인스턴스는 모든 블로그에서 제거됩니다. * + 1 버튼 : * 블로그 게시물 아래 및 탐색 모음에서 + 1 / G + 버튼 및 Google+ 공유 링크가 제거됩니다. Google+ 기능이 포함 된 맞춤 템플릿이있는 경우 업데이트해야 할 수도 있습니다.]

Blogger, Blogger Buzz - 2 years ago
To make room for some exciting updates coming soon to Blogger, we’re simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of our users. Changes to existing features in Blogger *(rolling out over the next few months)*: - *Google+ Integrations:* Throughout the next few months, Blogger will transform Google+ widget integrations into HTML widgets to give you more flexibility in how you share and see your followers. - *OpenID:* Blogger previously allowed users to comment on blogs using an existing third party OpenID identity provider and has also acted as ...

Blogger, Blogger Buzz -2 년 전
Blogger에 대한 흥미로운 업데이트를위한 공간을 마련하기 위해 플랫폼을 단순화하여 모든 사용자의 블로그 경험을 향상시키고 있습니다. Blogger의 기존 기능 변경 * (다음 몇 개월에 걸쳐 출시) * :-* Google + 통합 : * 다음 몇 개월 동안 Blogger는 Google+ 위젯 통합을 HTML 위젯으로 변환하여 공유하고 보는 방법에 더 많은 유연성을 제공합니다. 당신의 추종자. -* OpenID : * Blogger에서는 이전에 타사의 타사 OpenID 자격 증명 공급자를 사용하여 블로그에 댓글을 달 수 있었으며 ...]

Blogger, Blogger Buzz - 3 years ago
If you’re one of the millions of people who uses Blogger to share your views on current affairs, teach the world how to make sushi, or just offer a peek into your day, then you know how important it is to be able to put your personal stamp on your blog. After all, your blog isn’t just a place you share, it’s a reflection of who you are and the impression you’d like to leave with your readers. To make it easier for you to express your unique style, we’ve created a new set of blog themes for you to choose from. Each theme comes in a variety of colors, is fully customizable, and can be...

Blogger, Blogger Buzz -3 년 전
Blogger를 사용하여 시사에 대한 의견을 나누거나 전 세계 초밥을 만드는 방법을 알려주거나 하루를 엿볼 수있는 수백만의 사람들 중 하나라면, 얼마나 중요한지 알 수 있습니다. 블로그의 개인 스탬프 결국, 블로그는 단순히 공유하는 장소가 아니라 내가 누구인지, 독자와 함께하고 싶은 인상을 반영한 것입니다. 고유 한 스타일을 쉽게 표현할 수 있도록 선택할 수있는 새로운 블로그 테마 세트를 만들었습니다. 각 테마는 다양한 색상으로 제공되며 완전히 사용자 정의가 가능하며 ...]

A Googler, Blogger Buzz - 3 years ago
From New York to Jakarta, Blogger is one of the most popular ways to publish the things you’re passionate about. Still, we’ve heard that there’s more we can do to make the platform a better place to have your unique voice be heard. So we’ll be making some adjustments over time to bring you a faster, easier to use and more beautiful Blogger. To kick things off, we’ve taken a crack at simplifying Blogger’s dashboard so that it’s easier for you to get right to the tools you need. Now, whenever you open Blogger, you’ll be taken right to your blog with the most recent post, putting you o...

Google 직원, Blogger Buzz -3 년 전
뉴욕에서 자카르타에 이르기까지 Blogger는 내가 좋아하는 것을 게시하는 가장 인기있는 방법 중 하나입니다. 여전히, 우리는 당신의 독특한 목소리를들을 수있는 플랫폼을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기 위해 더 많은 것을 할 수 있다고 들었습니다. 따라서 더 빠르고 사용하기 쉬우 며 더 아름다운 Blogger를 제공하기 위해 시간이 지남에 따라 일부 조정 작업을 수행 할 것입니다. 작업을 시작하기 위해 Blogger 대시 보드를 단순화하여 필요한 도구를보다 쉽게 ​​얻을 수 있도록했습니다. 이제 Blogger를 열 때마다 최신 게시물이있는 블로그로 바로 이동하여,]

A Googler, Blogger Buzz - 3 years ago
Last May, we added some expressions to our templating language to make it easier for you to customize your blog’s look and feel. These new expressions proved popular with those of you who enjoy advanced blogging tools, so we wanted to offer you even more flexibility. Starting today, we’re introducing a new set of operators, which we’re calling lambda expressions, that allow you to apply rules to whole sets of data (think posts, comments, or labels), rather than just individual instances. Let’s say you wanted to add a flower image to all posts with the label “Flower,” for example. ...

Google 직원, Blogger Buzz -3 년 전
지난 5 월, 템플릿 언어에 표현을 추가하여 블로그의 모양과 느낌을 쉽게 사용자 지정할 수 있도록했습니다. 이 새로운 표현은 고급 블로그 도구를 좋아하는 사람들에게 인기가 있었으므로 더 많은 유연성을 제공하고자했습니다. 오늘부터는 개별 인스턴스가 아닌 전체 데이터 세트 (게시물, 주석 또는 레이블)에 규칙을 적용 할 수있는 람다 식을 호출하는 새로운 연산자 세트를 소개합니다. 예를 들어 '꽃'이라는 레이블이있는 모든 게시물에 꽃 이미지를 추가하려고한다고 가정 해 보겠습니다. ...]

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 4 years ago
Today, information is at our fingertips and we can access it from anywhere on any device. Just a few taps pull up millions of websites all competing for our attention. For bloggers, engaging with your audience has never been more important or more challenging. To help lay the foundation to a winning engagement strategy, the AdSense team created the AdSense Guide to Audience Engagement. Research shows that 29% of smartphone users will immediately switch to another site or app if it doesn’t satisfy their needs. To help keep your audience engaged, get your free copy of the AdSense...

알 수 없음, Blogger Buzz -4 년 전
오늘날 정보는 우리의 손끝에 있으며 우리는 어느 장치에서나 어디서나 정보에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 몇 번의 탭만으로 수백만 개의 웹 사이트가 모두 우리의 관심을 끌기 위해 경쟁합니다. 블로거의 경우 잠재 고객과의 교류가 그 어느 때보 다 중요하거나 어려워진 적이 없습니다. 성공적인 참여 전략의 토대를 마련하기 위해 애드 센스 팀은 잠재 고객 참여에 대한 애드 센스 가이드를 만들었습니다. 연구에 따르면 스마트 폰 사용자의 29 %가 자신의 요구를 충족시키지 않으면 즉시 다른 사이트 나 앱으로 전환 할 것으로 나타났습니다. 잠재 고객의 참여를 유지하려면 애드 센스 무료 사본을 받으십시오.]

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 4 years ago
*Cross-posted from the Google Security Blog]* HTTPS is fundamental to internet security; it protects the integrity and confidentiality of data sent between websites and visitors' browsers. Last September, we began rolling out HTTPS support for blogspot domain blogs so you could try it out. Today, we’re launching another milestone: an HTTPS version for every blogspot domain blog. With this change, visitors can access any blogspot domain blog over an encrypted channel. The HTTPS indicator in the Chrome browserAs part of this launch, we're removing the HTTPS Availability setting. Even ...

알 수 없음, Blogger Buzz -4 년 전
* [Google 보안 블로그에 게시] * HTTPS는 인터넷 보안의 기초입니다. 웹 사이트와 방문자 브라우저간에 전송되는 데이터의 무결성과 기밀성을 보호합니다. 지난 9 월 블로그 스팟 도메인 블로그에 대한 HTTPS 지원을 시작하여 사용해 볼 수 있습니다. 오늘 우리는 또 다른 이정표를 시작합니다 : 모든 blogspot 도메인 블로그를위한 HTTPS 버전. 이 변경으로 방문자는 암호화 된 채널을 통해 모든 blogspot 도메인 블로그에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. Chrome 브라우저의 HTTPS 표시기이 실행의 일부로 HTTPS 가용성 설정이 제거되었습니다. 심지어 ...]

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 4 years ago
Back in September, we announced that HTTPS support was coming to blogspot.com, making it possible for you to encrypt connections to your blog; since then, many of you have enabled HTTPS for your blogs. In some cases, not all of your blog’s functionality has worked over HTTPS due to mixed content errors often stemming from your template, gadgets, or blog post content. To help spot and fix some of these errors, we're releasing a mixed content warning tool that alerts you to possible mixed content issues in your posts, and gives you the option to fix them automatically before saving. ...

알 수 없음, Blogger Buzz -4 년 전
9 월에 우리는 blogspot.com에 HTTPS 지원이 제공 될 것이라고 발표하여 블로그 연결을 암호화 할 수있게했습니다. 그 이후로 많은 사용자가 블로그에 HTTPS를 사용하도록 설정했습니다. 경우에 따라 템플릿, 가젯 또는 블로그 게시물 콘텐츠에서 종종 발생하는 혼합 콘텐츠 오류로 인해 블로그 기능 중 일부가 HTTPS를 통해 작동하지는 않습니다. 이러한 오류 중 일부를 발견하고 해결하기 위해 게시물의 혼합 콘텐츠 문제에 대해 경고하고 저장하기 전에 자동으로 해결하는 옵션을 제공하는 혼합 콘텐츠 경고 도구를 출시합니다. ...]

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 4 years ago
*Editor's note: This post was cross posted from the Google Webmaster Central Blog.* As a form of online marketing, some companies today will send bloggers free products to review or give away in return for a mention in a blogpost. Whether you’re the company supplying the product or the blogger writing the post, below are a few best practices to ensure that this content is both useful to users and compliant with Google Webmaster Guidelines. 1. Use the nofollow tag where appropriate Links that pass PageRank in exchange for goods or services are against Google guidelines ...

알 수 없음, Blogger Buzz -4 년 전
* 편집자 주 :이 게시물은 Google 웹 마스터 센터 블로그에서 교차 게시되었습니다. * 온라인 마케팅의 한 형태로 오늘날 일부 회사에서는 블로거에게 무료 제품을 보내 검토하거나 블로그 게시물에 대한 언급을 대가로 제공합니다. 제품을 제공하는 회사이든, 글을 쓰는 블로거이든 관계없이이 콘텐츠가 사용자에게 유용하고 Google 웹 마스터 가이드 라인을 준수하는지 확인하는 몇 가지 모범 사례는 다음과 같습니다. 1. 상품 또는 서비스와 교환하여 PageRank를 통과하는 적절한 링크가 Google 가이드 라인에 위배되는 경우 nofollow 태그를 사용하십시오.]

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 4 years ago
In 2011, we announced the retirement of Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger sites. We made an exception for Blogger to give readers an easy way to follow blogs using a variety of accounts. Yet over time, we’ve seen that most people sign into Friend Connect with a Google Account. So, in an effort to streamline, in the next few weeks we’ll be making some changes that will eventually require readers to have a Google Account to sign into Friend Connect and follow blogs. As part of this plan, starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo...

알 수 없음, Blogger Buzz -4 년 전
2011 년에 Google은 모든 비 블로거 사이트에 대해 Google 프렌즈를 종료한다고 발표했습니다. 독자는 다양한 계정을 사용하여 블로그를 쉽게 팔로우 할 수 있도록 Blogger에서 예외를 만들었습니다. 그러나 시간이 지남에 따라 대부분의 사람들이 Google 계정으로 Google 프렌즈에 로그인하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 따라서 간소화하기 위해 몇 주 안에 독자들이 Google 계정을 통해 Google 프렌즈에 로그인하고 블로그를 팔로우해야하는 몇 가지 사항을 변경하게 될 것입니다. 1 월 11 일부터이 계획의 일환으로 Twitter, Yahoo ...]

A Googler, Blogger Buzz - 4 years ago
As bloggers, we all know how important it is to post frequently in order to encourage readers to come back. Of course, the more you post, the more quickly your posts slip down into the archives, making it harder for your readers to discover everything you’ve posted that they might be interested in. To help make it easier to showcase the posts you want your readers to see, we’ve created a new gadget called Featured Post. With Featured Post, you can choose posts you’ve shared on your blog and highlight them wherever you’d like. Whether you’d like to re-share that delicious holiday r...

Google 직원, Blogger Buzz -4 년 전
블로거로서 독자 모두가 다시 방문하도록 독려하기 위해 자주 게시하는 것이 얼마나 중요한지 잘 알고 있습니다. 물론 게시물을 많이 게시할수록 게시물이 보관소로 더 빨리 들어 와서 독자가 관심있는 게시물을 모두 발견하기가 더 어려워집니다. 원하는 게시물을보다 쉽게 ​​표시 할 수 있습니다. 독자들이 볼 수 있도록 Featured Post라는 새로운 가젯을 만들었습니다. 추천 게시물을 사용하면 블로그에서 공유 한 게시물을 선택하고 원하는 위치에 강조 표시 할 수 있습니다. 그 맛있는 휴가를 다시 공유하고 싶든간에 ...]

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 4 years ago
This morning we posted an update about Blogspot to Google’s Security Blog,

https://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2015/09/https-support-coming-to-blogspot.html. Since 2008, we've worked to encrypt the connections between our users and Google servers. Over the years we've announced that Search, Gmail, Drive, and many other products have encrypted connections by default, and most recently, we've made a similar announcement for our ads products. In this same vein, today we're expanding on the HTTPS Everywhere mission and beginning an initial rollout of HTTPS support for Blogspot. H...

A Googler, Blogger Buzz - 5 years ago
Recently we introduced a new set of expressions to the Blogger templating language, designed to let you customize the HTML of each post and page on your blog. We’ve gotten great feedback on them, so we figured we'd offer even more. Now you can try out new tags, like: - b:elseif for a simpler multiple-case b:if branch. - b:switch and b:case for succinctly handling several possible cases of a variable. - b:eval for evaluation of more complex expressions involving data variables. - b:with for creating a nicer variable alias for a calculated value. An example of c...

A Googler, Blogger Buzz - 5 years ago
Blogger's template engine is powered by a flexible editing language, consisting of a set of Widget Tags which use expressions to conditionally change the output HTML for each post and page on your blog. Using these expressions, you can customize the HTML output of your blog, to adjust the look and feel. You could, for example, show an image behind the header, but only on the homepage. Or add a flower icon, next to a post's title, if the post has the 'Flower' label. You can customize your blog's template under Settings > Template > Edit HTML. You can customize your template’s mark...

Blogger, Blogger Buzz - 5 years ago
You invest a lot of time in your blog, making sure it fits your personal brand and style. And a big part of making it your own comes from what you call it and where it lives. Blogger has long let you host your blog on a custom domain, so that you can give it any URL you choose. To make that process even easier, starting today, we’re integrating Blogger directly with Google Domains, allowing you to purchase a custom domain for your blog right from Blogger with just a few clicks. If your blog is itching for a new home, you can grab one via Google Domains by popping open Blogger and he...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 6 years ago
Adding pages to your blog can be a great way to organize content - like ‘About me’ or ‘Advertise’ sections. To make managing pages easier, we redesigned the ‘Pages’ tab in the Blogger dashboard to make it look and feel more like something you’re already familiar with: managing posts. *The new look for the pages list on each blog* With the new design, you can: - View important details about your pages like view count and comments - Manage multiple pages at once with new selection tools - Easily see whether pages are in draft, imported, or published states *The new look for ...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 6 years ago
The holiday season is here and retailers are spending more on online advertising to promote their products. Your blog has valuable space and you can earn some extra money by placing Google AdSense ads next to your content. If you don’t already have AdSense set up on your blog, visit the Earnings tab of your Blogger dashboard to give it a try. It’s free and only takes a moment to sign up. And if you’ve tried AdSense out in the past, head to your blog and give it a second look. It now has updated controls, so you can match the ads that appear to the style of your blog. Happy holida...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 6 years ago
Notifying your followers that you've published a new blog post not only gets the conversation going, it encourages them to reshare your content with others. In this way it's critical for growing your blog's audience and engagement. But it takes time. And we want to give you that time back. Starting today you can automatically share your blog posts publicly to Google+ — as soon as you publish them, with no additional clicks. And of course: if you've enabled Google+ Comments, any replies on Google+ will also appear on your blog. Blog post Google+ postIf you've connected a Google+ page...

Blogger, Blogger Buzz - 6 years ago
From time to time, we like to highlight bloggers who successfully use Blogger and other Google products. Today we're featuring how Kelly Saks from Kelly's Kloset reached a wider audience with Blogger and Google+. *All about Kelly: * Kelly Saks, the blogger behind Kelly’s Kloset, is a fashion and beauty expert based in Miami, Florida. Kelly posts daily musings on outfits, beauty tips, and local happenings. She has successfully transformed blogging from hobby to career, landing styling gigs with brands like Bloomingdales, Swarovski, and Macy’s. *How she did it: * Kelly always shares h...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
Ten years ago we launched AdSense to help publishers earn money by placing relevant ads on their websites. I can still remember the excitement and anticipation as AdSense went live that first day. Our small team huddled together in a cramped conference room, and right away we saw that publishers were as excited about AdSense as we were. Fast-forward 10 years, and AdSense has become a core part of Google’s advertising business. The AdSense community has grown to include more than 2 million publishers, and last year alone, publishers earned more than $7 billion from AdSense. AdSense i...

Google Blogs, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Cross-posted from the Blogger in Draft blog* *In 2007, we introduced Blogger In Draft, a special version of Blogger where new features could reach users early and let people try new things. We also introduced the Blogger In Draft blog, and for the past five years, we’ve introduced new updates and options here, often before we told the rest of the world on our official blog, Buzz.With the recent launch of our Google+ page, we have another great way to keep you updated on new features, both for everyone and those of you who love seeing things early. To simplify the many places ...

Google Blogs, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
Back in April, we introduced Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger, a gadget that can help you earn money by adding an ad for a relevant product to a blog post and earning a commission when someone clicks on your ad and makes a purchase. We’ve received positive feedback from Blogger users and the advertisers who have made their products available through the gadget, and wanted to let you know about a couple of recent enhancements we’ve made to this gadget: - Increased availability: When this gadget first launched, you may not have been able to see the gadget even though you have ...

Google Blogs, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Earlier this year we introduced a suite of new SEO features that help ensure your blog, posts, and images are accurately indexed so they appear correctly in search results. Today we’re happy to introduce another feature that enables you to more effectively customize your search preferences - custom permalinks.When you write a post, Blogger automatically generates a permalink based on the title of the post. Until now, blog authors have had no control of the permalink. Custom permalinks give you more control of your blog and posts. These new custom links also provide readers with ...

Google Blogs, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Blogger lets you share your thoughts, grow your readership, and engage with your audience. But we want to make Blogger even better by letting you tap into the growing Google+ community. Today, we’re adding a new “Google+” tab in the Blogger dashboard, so you now have a central place to start growing your blog with Google+. This means you can now:Connect your blog to a Google+ profile or pageIf you blog under your own name, you’ve already been able to associate your blog with your personal Google+ profile. Starting today, you can now connect your blog to a Google+ page for yo...

Google Blogs, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*(Cross-posted from the Google Affiliate Network blog)* Earlier this year, we launched Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger in the US and added new enhancements in June. The positive results and feedback we’ve received are very promising, and we’re excited to announce that this gadget is now available to Blogger users in the UK! To refresh your memory, Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger is a gadget that makes it easy for Blogger users to insert an affiliate ad into a blog post and earn a commission when someone clicks the link and makes a purchase on the advertiser’s site. *Watch the vid...

Google Blogs, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Last year we introduced mobile templates on Blogger, and Dynamic Views for the desktop. Since then, over 2 million blogs have started using Dynamic Views on desktop, and users have asked us for more mobile features. So today, we’re bringing the speed and advanced reading experience of Dynamic Views to mobile. Configuring your blog to use a Dynamic View on mobile will result in a reading experience that mirrors the desktop, but is optimized for mobile.To configure a Dynamic View for mobile on your blog, select the "Template" tab, and then click on the settings cog under the “Mobi...

Google Blogs, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
As a Blogger user you’re likely aware of the nearly infinite number of ways to express yourself online. Whether you’re a photographer showing off your portfolio, a foodie sharing your newest tasty creation, or a business promoting your latest deals, Blogger has the tools to help your content shine and reach readers from all over the world. All of us on the Blogger team are passionate about our users’ success, and have a global team dedicated to making sure you are getting the most out of the product. So if you’ve been thinking about making the upgrade to a custom domain, want to gi...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Inspiration for a new post can happen at any place and time: on the couch, while shopping, at a game, or in the kitchen. Fortunately, mobile devices enable you to stay connected wherever you are.* *With that in mind, we just launched updated apps for both Android and iOS. The updated apps include a visual facelift and other features which make it easier for you to create and share -- wherever your imagination runs wild. Some of the more notable improvements include:* - *Landscape support for composing posts* - *Sharing to Google+* - *Ability to view a scheduled post time* ...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Connecting your blog to Google+ is a great way to attract new readers, as well as build lasting relationships with your followers. For example, you can easily share your posts in the Google+ stream, as well as enable blog visitors to recommend your stuff in a single click. Today we're excited to offer another Google+ perk: the followers gadget.The Google+ followers gadget highlights your total Google+ audience (both its size and some friendly faces), and offers visitors the chance to follow you on Google+. As a result, you can grow your readership across the web, and reach them e...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Posted by +Malte Ubl**, Software Engineer* *Blogs are a great way to spark a conversation, and today we’re giving you a new way to grab someone’s attention: Google+ mentions in Blogger. Now you can add a link to a Google+ profile or page when you want to mention someone in a post. If you then share your post from Blogger to Google+, we make it easier to notify your mentions by including them in the sharebox. To mention someone, just type “+” before their name while you’re using the Blogger post editor.* *The profile or page will show up as a link in your published post. Hover...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
Posted by: +Samantha Schaffer and +Renee Kwang, Software Engineer Interns. Whether you’re a web developer who builds blog templates for a living, or a web-savvy blog owner who prefers to make changes to your template using HTML, CSS or JavaScript, you may be interested in some enhancements that we made to Blogger’s Template HTML Editor. Your blog’s HTML template is the source code that controls the appearance of your blog. This template can be customized to appear however you’d like. The improved HTML template editor now supports line numbering, syntax highlighting, auto-indentation...

Unknown, Blogger Buzz - 7 years ago
*Cross-posted from the Google Official blog* *Posted by +Yonatan Zunger, Principal Engineer* *Reading and responding to comments can be one of the most rewarding aspects of blogging. Not only do they help you connect with your readers, they can also inspire later blog entries. The challenge, oftentimes, is following all the conversations around your content—on Google+, for instance, as well as on your website. So we're making things a lot simpler.* *Starting today, you can bring Google+ Comments to your Blogger blog. Once you've enabled the feature through your Blogger Dashboard, ...

#모든 블로그 #팔로우하는 블로그 관리하기 #Blogger 대시보드의 '읽기 목록 #좋아하는 블로그를 추가하여 최신 글 #블로그 팔로우 #팔로어 가젯을 사용하면 사용자의 이름 #프로필 사진을 비롯한 Google 프로필이 블로그의 팔로어로 공개되어 표시 #Google 프로필은 언제든지 변경 #익명으로 블로그를 팔로우하려면 Blogger 대시보드 #설정' 메뉴에서 블로그를 팔로우 #블로그의 팔로어 가젯 #Blogger 대시보드에서 #블로그 팔로우 중지 #독자가 내 블로그를 팔로우하도록 허용 #다른 사람이 내 블로그를 팔로우하도록 허용하려면 다음 단계에 따라 팔로어 가젯을 추가 #Blogger에 로그인 #왼쪽 상단에서 '아래쪽 화살표 클릭 #업데이트할 블로그를 선택합니다 #왼쪽 메뉴에서 레이아웃을 클릭합니다 #관심 사용자 가젯을 추가할 위치를 선택합니다 #가젯 추가를 클릭합니다 #창이 열리면 가젯 더보기를 클릭합니다 #팔로어'를 찿아 추가 #설정을 선택합니다 #저장'을 클릭합니다 #배치를 저장하려면 오른쪽 하단에서 '저장' #자주 묻는 질문(FAQ) #공개로 블로그를 팔로우하면 어떤 프로필이 사용되나요? #내 블로그의 팔로어는 어떻게 차단할 수 있나요? #도움이 되었나요? #예 아니요 #도움말 #블로그에 광고 게재하기 #검색 엔진에서 사용자에게 내 블로그 알리기 #블로그 백업 #가져오기 또는 삭제 #내 블로그에 대한 액세스 권한 관리하기 #다른 사이트에서 콘텐츠 공유 #팔로우하는 블로그 관리하기 #Blogger를 통해 등록한 도메인 관리 #맞춤 도메인 설정 #Blogger에서 애널리틱스 활용하기 #Blogger에서 더 나은 검색결과 얻기 #블로그 설정 관리하기 #A better Blogger experience on the web #An update on Google+ and Blogger #An update on Google+ and Blogger #A Googler Blogger Buzz - 1 year ago #Google+ 및 Blogger의 업데이트 #Google 직원 #Blogger Buzz -1 년 전 #It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger #Blogger #Blogger Buzz - 2 years ago
 #Share your unique style with new Blogger themes #Blogger Buzz - 3 years ago #새로운 Blogger 테마로 나만의 스타일을 공유 #Blogger Buzz -3 년 전 #A first few tweaks toward a better Blogger #More custom template flexibility #Keep your readers interested with the AdSense Guide to Audience Engagement #독자 참여를위한 애드 센스 가이드에 관심 #Bringing HTTPS to all blogspot domain blogs #모든 blogspot 도메인 블로그에 HTTPS 제공 #An update to the Blogger post editor to help with mixed content #혼합 된 콘텐츠를 지원하는 Blogger 게시물 편집기 업데이트 #Best practices for reviewing products you've received for free #무료로받은 제품을 검토하기위한 모범 사례 #편집자 주 :이 게시물은 Google 웹 마스터 센터 블로그에서 교차 게시 #온라인 마케팅의 한 형태로 오늘날 일부 회사에서는 블로거에게 무료 제품 #An update on Google Friend Connect #Google 프렌즈에 대한 업데이트 #2011 년에 Google은 모든 비 블로거 사이트에 대해 #Google 프렌즈를 종료한다고 발표 #독자는 다양한 계정을 사용 #블로그를 쉽게 팔로우 #Highlight the posts that matter the most #가장 중요한 게시물을 강조 표시 #HTTPS support coming to Blogspot
 #https://googleonlinesecurity점blogspot점com/2015/09 #https-support-coming-to-blogspot.html #Since 2008 we've #Even more expansions to the Blogger template language #Adding new expressions to Blogger templates #Custom domains for your blog made easy #Making it easier to manage pages on your blog #Earn money from your blog this holiday season #Automatically share your blog posts to Google+ #Expanding your audience with Google+: Kelly Saks' story #Celebrating 10 years of shared success #The Blogger In Draft Blog Is Being Retired #New enhancements to Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger #Customize your posts with permalinks #Socialize and grow your blog with Google+ #Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger now in the UK! #A more dynamic mobile reading experience #Getting Help on Blogger #New and improved Blogger mobile apps #Grow your audience with the Google+ followers gadget
 #Mention people in your posts with Google+ #Improvements to the Blogger template HTML editor #Bringing Google+ Comments to Blogger

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"검찰, '쯔양 협박 혐의' 유튜버들 오늘(11일) 수사 착수..'고발 당일' 이례적,쯔양, 5년간 조용한 기부…보육원장 “그간 힘든 내색 전혀 없었다”"두 아들 건다"던 유튜버, 쯔양 협박 비난에 "절대 그냥 못 죽지"쯔양 폭행·협박·갈취하던 前 남자친구, 극단적 선택… 고소 사건 종결,,,

"검찰, '쯔양 협박 혐의' 유튜버들 오늘(11일) 수사 착수..'고발 당일' 이례적,쯔양, 5년간 조용한 기부…보육원장 “그간 힘든 내색 전혀 없었다”"두 아들 건다"던 유튜버, 쯔양 협박 비난...